Builder Takes Orders for Extreme 1500 HC 3D Printer with Active Chamber Heater

Моя цель - предложение широкого ассортимента товаров и услуг на постоянно высоком качестве обслуживания по самым выгодным ценам.

The Dutch large-format FFF/FDM 3D printer manufacturer Builder has announced the Extreme 1500 HC — an upgraded version of the bestselling Extreme 1500 that features an active chamber heater allowing for a wider range of consumables.

Builder started out with desktop 3D printers, but quickly found its niche in the professional and industrial-grade additive systems market. The evolution of Builder 3D printers has resulted in the current Extreme lineup.

With the first two systems of this family — the Extreme 1000 and the Extreme 2000 — there was a funny embarrassment when it turned out that they would not fit through office doors. Yet, the company later released an even bigger version called Extreme 3000, having seemingly focused on such a format. However, Builder initially specialized in relatively affordable "office" 3D printers and decided to release a smaller device — Extreme 1500. This system was the first in the Extreme line to have a full-fledged heated chamber with active ambient temperature stabilization to make it easier to work with materials characterized by high thermal shrinkage. Also, the updated version has enlarged dimensions (1510 x 790 x 1550 mm vs 1670 x 980 x 1820 mm), so the question of fitting through doors is back.

The new option is called Extreme 1500 HC, with HC standing for Heated Chamber. The build volume remains the same and reaches 1100 x 500 x 820 mm, but if the earlier version was intended mainly for PLA, PVA, PETG and flexibles, the new printer will be able to stably print in ABS, ASA, polycarbonate, and various composites, for example, carbon-filled plastics. To work with more refractory filaments, the maximum extrusion temperature is increased from 260 to 300 °C. The chamber heats up to 70 °C, and the extruder is equipped with a liquid cooling system. The filament is also placed in a special heated compartment. It is though noteworthy that the active chamber heater along with heated filament room have already been used in the Creatbot F1000 3D printer, which is known for its incredibly massive build volume.

The Extreme 1500 HC is supposedly capable of laying filament at a speed of up to 200 mm/s, which in practice depends on both the material and the geometry of printed objects. The hotend offers nozzles with a diameter of 0.4, 0.8, or 1.2 mm. The system is controlled using a 7-inch touchscreen, and the built-in webcam allows you to monitor the printing process remotely and even record it for subsequent quality control.

Tech specs:

  • Technology: FDM/FFF

  • Extruder type: Single

  • Filament feed: Direct

  • Build volume: 1100 x 500 x 820 mm

  • Layer height: 0.2–0.3 mm with 0.4 mm nozzle, 0.2–0.5 mm with 0.6 mm nozzle, 0.3–0.7 mm with 0.8 mm nozzle

  • Max. print speed: 200 mm/s

  • Max. positioning speed: 300 mm/s

  • Build plate: Aluminum, heated up to 100 °С

  • Bed leveling: Manual

  • Max. chamber temperature: 70 °С

  • Power consumption: up to 3 kW

  • Connectivity: USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet

  • Webcam: yes

  • Filament detection: yes

  • Print recovery: yes

  • Certification: CE and UL

Builder is already accepting pre-orders for the new product, with shipments starting in the first quarter of 2022. The premiere will take place at the Formnext expo in Frankfurt am Main.


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